1 t/m 26 februari

Tentoonstelling / Tim Duncan, houtskooltekeningen en olieverfschilderijen (Bovenzaal)

Opening: zaterdag 4 februari 17.00 uur
'De kunstenaar vertelt': zondag 12 februari 16.00 uur
Uitloop: zondag 26 februari 16.00 uur

a Afbeelding 3

a Afbeelding 1

a Afbeelding 2

"Imagination is crucial when making art. Art is the greatest cure for anyone who feels unhappy."

Timothy Duncan (1972) was born and raised in Dublin, Ireland. He studied philosophy and arts. The last 18 years he has been living in the Netherlands.

"Painting to me is like conducting an orchestra. Each instrument (each colour) is of importance to the whole."

Duncan started painting at the age of sixteen. In 1990 he had an exhibition at the Trinity College, Dublin, where he showed oil paintings, inspired by Yves Tanguy and Salvador Dali. The paintings were characterized by a surprising amount of skill and an unique and great refinement.

"The artist has to be both courageous and vulnerable."

Since then Duncan encountered some big setbacks in his personal life. Still, he managed to continue his work, albeit with interruptions. Since 2000 he has been working continuously at pastels with geometric shapes, human figures and structures in many variations as subjects. They are of a great clarity en show immense control of shapes and colours. The latest series consists of portraits. Duncan explains as follows:

"At first the whole world is divided ethnically. I want people to come together in one face and let them find expression in my paintings. Maybe also for aesthetic reasons, all the different features are interesting and a dark face makes a pleasant colour. They are for me the man of today, with his fear, anxiety and doubts about existence."

When we look at this work, made by someone who dares to look at the human insecurity in the face, we can experience it as some sort of comfort; Indeed, he managed to portray the impossible man in his chaotic world as something beautiful and undamaged.

"My paintings are made with the greatest sensitivity. Every stroke of paint represents a certain feeling. It tries to conquer the fears.



Timothy, Tim Duncan 1972, groeide op in Dublin, Ierland en woont sinds 18 jaar in den Haag. Hij begon thuis met schilderen toen hij 16 was. Hij studeerde filosofie en kunstgeschiedenis. In 1990 had hij een tentoonstelling in Trinity College. Daar liet hij olieverfschilderijen zien, geïnspireerd door Salvador Dali, met een grote technische beheersing en verfijning. Daarna heeft hij gedurende een aantal jaren grote problemen ondervonden in zijn persoonlijk leven. Hij pakte via het schilderen de draad altijd weer op.

"Painting to me is like conducting an orchestra. Each instrument (each colour) is of importance to the whole."

"At first the whole world is divided ethnically. I want people to come together in one face and let them find expression in my paintings. Maybe also for aesthetic reasons, all the different features are interesting and a dark face makes a pleasant colour. They are for me the man of today, with his fear, anxiety and doubts about existence."

Imagination is crucial when making art. Art is the greatest cure for anyone who feels unhappy." "The artist has to be both courageous and vulnerable."

"My paintings are made with the greatest sensitivity. Every stroke of paint represents a certain feeling. It tries to conquer the fears".

Als wij naar het werk van Tim Duncan kijken, zien we iemand aan het werk die de chaos en de angst in het bestaan in het gezicht durft te zien. En we kunnen het als een troost ervaren dat hij de onmogelijkheid van het bestaan in schoonheid om kan zetten.

Op deze tentoonstelling zijn een serie houtskooltekeningen en enkele olieverfschilderijen te zien. Met het eenvoudige materiaal houtskool weet hij met zeer verfijnde grijstinten een geheimzinnige sfeer op te roepen. Van zacht en vriendelijk naar vervreemdend en onheilspellend.